The Housing Authority of Covington began operations in 1937. Jacob Price Homes was the first community built, followed quickly by Latonia Terrace in the early 1940’s, City Heights (formerly Ida Spence Homes) in the early 1950’s, and the Golden Tower in the late 1960’s.
How It Began
- Depression era shanty towns were prevalent
- Life expectancy had decreased
- Crime had increased
- Unemployment and malnourishment were common place
- Local governments were overwhelmed

The Government Response
- National Housing Act of 1934 created the Federal Housing Administration
- 1937 Housing Act created the United States Housing Authority and enabled it to fund local Housing Authorities with construction grants and operating subsidies.
- 1949 Housing Act further promoted slum clearance
- 1954 Housing Act created an urban renewal program
- In 1965, the Department of Housing and Urban Development was created
- Continued legislation through the late 1990’s capped tenant rents at 30% of income, required volunteer service, and promoted various forms of social agendas

The Housing Authority of Covington Created with 1937 enabling legislation
Maintains public housing in 7 developments
- Latonia Terrace
- Golden Tower (elderly)
- Academy Flats (elderly)
- Eastside Revitalization Phase I
- Emery Drive Apartments
- New Site Properties
- River’s Edge at Eastside Pointe